Pablo Picasso Pottery
“I begin with an idea and then it becomes something else”
Pablo Picasso
Hello all it is the first day that it really feels like spring so I thought I would share with you what Home Thrown Studio has been working on in the new year. I took some time off from the studio in early January to have some time to reflect on 2017. During this time i've taken some time away from the computer and back to the bookcase for some page turning off my favourite books, one being Picasso's paintings & Sculptures.
Picasso's late work in ceramics under the hot sun in his studio in Vallauris southern France has refocused my attention towards a more playful response to clay and vessel making. This year I am focusing my attentions in expanding my ceramic ware collection and working on a new project with funding from AUB that will see some new designs being used for home decoration. As Picasso's quote above I'm pretty sure it will start in one direction but come summer will have turned into something else entirely. But I am excited about what may come of it! I am currently in the experimental stages but promise to share with you the progress as it unfolds.
Time for Tea - January is all about kicking back and reflecting on the year gone by! Oh and drinking copious amounts of hot beverages! (Wine at night)
Inbetween throwing, I've been taking some quiet time out reading some lovely books whilst sipping tea from my trusty sip cup!
These are my current top reads;
Wabi Sabi Welcome by Julie Pointer Adams
Picasso Painter & Sculptor in Clay by Marilyn McCully
Urban Potters Makers In The City by Katie Trediggen
David Hockney by David Hockney